TR Accuracy Report Configuration: Validation Threshold

October 30, 2022

TR Accuracy reports are ready to use ‘out of the box’, however we know that our users appreciate ability to configure and customise the reports to their needs. At Control Now, we want to make sure the reports our tools produce are fit for purpose.

One of the configuration options we have enabled in our product release from 31.10.2022 is the ‘Validation Threshold’ setting.

Users can configure their reports to only see specific flag if it affects a minimum predefined percentage of records (i.e. Threshold).

This is particularly useful with flags that indicate potential hardcoding of report field values – i.e. used value is not necessarily incorrect, but if used too frequently it needs to be reviewed, e.g. specific timestamps.

Like any other changes, full audit record of Portal changes is automatically saved.


1. Navigate to CN Portal -> TRA Configuration -> Regime -> Validation Settings

2. Locate the validation you’d like to set the Threshold for

3. Populate the Threshold* field with the numerical value indicating the percentage of records that must meet validation criteria. Decimals can be used.

4. Run the report as usual!

Setting Validation Threshold

*Threshold value set by one user is applied to the whole account.


Where amount of records meeting flag criteria falls below the defined threshold level, the records will be included as a ‘Warnings’.

‘Warnings’ include validations switched off by users, exceptions added to ‘Blacklist’ and records below the Threshold.


*Control Now have pre-configured validations that can use the Threshold setting. If you’d like to add validation to the list – please contact our support team.

Control Now Ltd (2017), is a provider of Transaction Reporting software tools to empower market participants to perform oversight of their Regulatory Reporting Processes. Control Now Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damage caused by use of or reliance on this information or any other information published by Control Now Ltd. Recipients of this information must perform their own due diligence to confirm the information is accurate and relevant for their business scenario. Control Now Ltd reserves its right to re-publish the information.