New feature update: Core Validations module

December 6, 2021

CN are implementing a new set of validations which replicate the ESMA/FCA defined validation rules for EMIR and MIFIR.

This module allows clients to validate their transaction report files ahead of submission to the endpoint.

Users are presented with the reference to the validation error code/rule ID that would be flagged if submitted to the endpoint, however, Control Now are providing additional granularity of error (e.g. if multiple rules are executed under one validation rule).

This report provides clarity on records which would fail endpoint validation and would not be accepted as reported. Please note: this differs from TR Accuracy validations which identify reports which could be accepted by the endpoint, but are incorrect.

The core validations module is in development and is planned for release in Q2 2022.


Control Now Ltd, founded in 2017, is a provider of Transaction Reporting Assurance software tools to empower market participants to perform oversight of their Regulatory Reporting Processes. Control Now Ltd provide TR Accuracy (Data Quality Assurance) and TR Completeness (Reconciliations) services. Please get in touch for a Free Health Check –