September 30, 2021

Murray Abel comments on the importance of a strong foundation, natural development and patience.

We have become aware that one of our competitors are suggesting their service offers “100% of detectable errors” and that their competition only offers “18% of detectable errors”. I can understand when presented with these statistics, that an expensive proposal for their service can seem justified, but please don’t be bamboozled by this marketing. It’s important to understand that just because Control Now offers more cost-effective services, it doesn’t mean any lack in quality – a fact our clients are happy to testify about.

So how is it possible that Control Now offers the market-leading services at a fraction of the cost of our competitors?

It comes from a strong foundation. We have patiently dedicated the 3 years of our history to developing scalable solutions that use technology where possible to eliminate manual and repeatable tasks. Our processes and procedures are well organised and documented. It means the cost for us to onboard new clients to our services is cheaper relative to our competitors who require experienced consultants to deliver their services.

Furthermore, it is part of our business mission to run a sustainable and agile business. This has stopped us from over-expanding and taking on more clients than we can support. We are scaling at the levels which allow us to maintain excellent client service and improve our products in line with client demand.

We are proud of the community we are building at Control Now. The more clients who join us, the better our service is for everyone as we take the time to listen to all new clients feedback and build their requirements back into the software for all to benefit. We are also building out our free resources so the market can benefit from increased transparency.

We are committed to growing a business culture that our clients and staff are proud of. Transparency is at the heart of everything we do, and we will always provide honest and straight answers to our clients, prospects and members of the Control Now team!

Control Now Ltd, founded in 2017, is a provider of Transaction Reporting Assurance software tools to empower market participants to perform oversight of their Regulatory Reporting Processes. Control Now Ltd provide TR Accuracy (Data Quality Assurance) and TR Completeness (Reconciliations) services. Please get in touch for a Free Health Check – bd@control-now.com


This article is not marketing material and should not be seen as an inducement or invitation to engage in a commercial capacity with Control Now Ltd. Whilst Control Now Ltd has exercised its best efforts, it cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information contained herein or eliminate the possibility of anomalies having regard to external limitations. Control Now Ltd therefore reserves its right to re-publish the information should this be necessary. Due to these limitations, and to the extent permitted by law, Control Now Ltd accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage caused by use of or reliance on this information. Recipients of this information should accordingly, insofar as practicable, undertake independent enquiries and evaluations to their satisfaction.